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Website is the easiest and best way of marketting or selling product online. As internat is turning as the fastest growing market of world so you must need a website for business. It doesn’t matter that you business is small or big. The matter is you must need a website. But a website can’t be perfect untill people have a look on your website. Nowadays there are a lot of competition on the market no matter what are you selling. So you need seo to do that. Seo have many […]


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As Facebook is the highest growing social network so it have to keep some great applications for users help. Facebook tagging system is one of the coolest system among them. Facebook tagging helps us to identify and reference people in photos, videos and notes. When you are updating your status or posting something you can let people or your friends share your feelings, decisions through tagging. With tag you can grow your network or friends. Now if you want to tag someone with your status. in your photos, in video […]


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On 21st April in Facebook’s F8 developers conference the CEO of facebook Mr.Mark Zuckerberg announced that they are going to launch Open Graph Protocol. Mark Zuckerberg quoted Open Graph Protocol as “the most trans formative thing we’ve ever done for the Web” and he also added that “People can have instantly social and personalized experiences everywhere they go”. The Open Graph Protocol allows you to interact various web pages with social graph. Usually this facility used in Facebook to enable same importance of web pages as Facebook pages. When the […]