New Earth Discovered By Kepler

Posted Posted in News

NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has discovered Earth like planet on Thursday. It is orbiting a distant star like earth rotates around sun. The new earth is named Kepler-452b, some water may be availabe and life could exist. The planet is at the constellation Cygnus, located 1400 light years from earth. it revolves to a star which is slightly big than our sun on every 385 days The planet is 60% larger than the earth and is 1.5 billion years older and is rocky in nature The  gravity may be twice […]

Basic Mysql Database Security with PHP

Posted Posted in Database

Most probably your application store important data, which cannot be kept un secured SQL Injection is a common way of hacking, which changes the logic of the queries It allows hackers to enter your server bypassing security by escaping data Some PHP Escape functions that help to protect SQL Injection : mysql_real_escape_string() mysqli::escape_string() addslashes() Here is an example – $name = “Shyam”; $name = mysql_real_escape_string($name, $db); $name = addslashes($name);