How to write an article ?

Can you beleive that it takes 15-20 mints to write a traffic catchy article ? I know that all of you shaking your heads and trying to say no . Beleive me its true .Basically we think many of things before going to write an article, Sometime we cant deside about the topic of the article.And most of time we write lots and lots of lines to make our article better. But it is completely wrong . He have to do some few things to make our article better and easy to understand.Lets have a look at the points bellow.

1>Think users before engines: Your visitors come first. The search engines don’t buy from you, they don’t write comments, and they don’t retweet your message.So you have to write something userfriendy and easy to understand.

2>Do not use graphics instead of text : Search engines are not so good enough about reading text in a graphic format. So we have to use more text , Some time its difficult to use text in exchange of graphics but its managable .

3>Target phrases not words : People rarely search for words.The phrases also put the words into context and give meaning to what the visitor is really searching for.

4>Informative content : The Content you write must be informative.The visitor has to walk away having learned something valuable.Ways to inform are to show how your product or service can make their lives better.

5>Grab Attention : If the content does not grab attention for the reader then it is all lost. so the content should have a appealing factor like latest hot news some different idea , controversial topic, etc.

6>Communicate with the readers : We can build a huge network by asking questions to the vissitors and answering them through comments. It will help us to maximize the traffic to the blog.

So you are ready to follow those stepts, dont think twice. I am sure that you will be benefited by those steps.

article writting

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