Web Development


Facebook markup language is build to help facebook application. Facebook is one of the biggest social networking site in this world. And day by day it is reaching to the top. There are millions of users using Facebook to connect with each other. As per the need of the users there are many applications in facebook are being used so far.

Farmville, Mafia wars, Birthday cards, Happy aquarium, Fishville, Cafe world are some popular applications in facebook. In 2006 Facebook launched a zone for developers through which they could create application for users. And now thousands of developers are helping to make it better. Fbml is the only way to make some outrageous application in facebook. Fbml is basically have many HTML elements. And some it’s own elements. Fbml tags are so easy. Developers can built fbml tags using various custom tags. If needed they can also used custom tags which other developers created. By using fbml in facebook application developers can make web and networking more social to the people.

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